Friday, August 26, 2016

Cream of Mushroom Soup

After long time I am logging into my blogs..I am not a professional is my hobby...It gives me happiness...I am very passionate about cooking.....when I see all the well known chefs sharing their recipes and cooking tips...It inspires me so much...I do follow them..and try their recipes but with a twist or a slight alteration according to our taste..I know I am not a great chef...but Yes I am a master-chef of my own kitchen, And My hubby is the judge of my  recipes....I love to cook for my hubby.After  long absence I am thinking to share a new recipe of my husbands choice...So lets get ready......

Cream of Mushroom Soup

For the first time I tried this at home and my husband loved it.We had this soup in many  restaurant but we did not like it much.On our last trip to Goa we had mushroom soup at baga beach and it was a hit...and my hubby asked me to make this at home..I  checked lots of recipes online but could not make up my mind coz there are many ways to make this soup...So I decided to follow the taste of Goa with my own twist ...Let me get into the recipe now so you can try it.....

Cream of Mushroom Soup


Actually I did not measure the ingredients just added the seasoning according to taste

Button Mushrooms
Full Cream Milk
Fresh Cream
All purpose flour/Maida
Garlic Cloves
Olive Oil
Freshly crushed black pepper
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves for garnishing


Melt the butter in a sauce pan and add little olive oil to avoid butter to burn.
Add finely chopped garlic and mushroom and saute till translucent.
Stir till mushrooms release water.
Add all purpose flour/Maida and cook for 2-3 min stirring continuously.
Add crushed black pepper
now add little water first then milk stir continuously on a low flame the soup would begin to thicken.
Add fresh cream salt as per taste and simmer for 2-3 min.
Add coriander for garnishing.
Serve hot.

Note:- For more thick and smooth consistency you can blend the mixture...pour the mixture in sauce pan then add cream and cook for sometime.

Set aside few mushrooms slice for garnish.

If you like the taste of onion saute finely chopped onion in butter with mushrooms till golden brown.I did mention coz we do not like the taste of onions in this soups.

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